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SL09 - Tree Protection

Extension granted!


We are very pleased to advise that the interim tree controls within the Significant Landscape Overlay No. 9 (SLO9) covering all Whitehorse residential areas apart from those areas already protected by SLOs (i.e. SLO 1 through SLO8) have been extended for six months - until June 2019.


The long-awaited strategy is fully backed by the Combined Residents of Whitehorse Action Group Inc., its member community groups and individuals as well as the wider community.

The tree protection controls were due to expire on 31 December 2018. The Minister has approved an extension of the controls for 6 months until 30 June 2019.

This means that a permit is required to remove, destroy or lop a tree of a certain size. The controls will remain in place until 30 June 2019 while Council completes strategic work that aims to apply the same controls permanently.


For more information please visit


Please find a copy of our letter here. We have no doubt that our combined effort will go a long way in the quest to preserve our natural environment! None of us want to see the image below across our beautiful municipality!

Sergent Street Tree Felling.jpg


Yous say on Council projects

We encourage Whitehorse to seek community engagement. Projects currently seeking community input can be found at 'Our Say' 


Inquiry into Environmental Infrastructure for Growing Populations

Read CROWAG's submission referencing the former Box Hill Brickworks site.All community submissions can be read on the Parliament of Vic site.


Snap Send Solve

Whitehorse City Council has recently become part of the Snap Send Solve network.


So if you see a broken footpath, a dead street tree, an illegal advertising sign  or other matters contravening planning rules then the app allows a photo to be taken, its position logged automatically by the phone GPS and brief message to be sent to the City of Whitehorse where it will be directed to the relevant council officer for action - much quicker than email and everything recorded on the way through.


The link is

North East Link

CROWAG recently wrote to Whitehorse City Council outlining our concerns in relation to the North East Link. Please find a copy of our correspondence here.

VicSmart Changes - Unintended Consequences

CROWAG recently wrote to the Minister of Planning, Richard Wynne regarding our concerns regarding proposed changes to VicSmart and the potential negative impact on the landscape of Whitehorse. Please find a copy of our correspondence here.


The Minister's response can be viewed here.

Box Hill - Future development



Box Hill - Vicinity Plans

The Vicinity group who own the main shopping centre at Box Hill are proposing a major redevelopment that includes a 48 storey residential and 25 storey office tower. Integration with the transport hub and livability and amenity for users are critical issues - CROWAG has provided input into the  Box Hill MAC Review of Strategic Direction which is still in the consultation phase. See link to Vicinity proposal.



The Rise of Resident Action Groups


An interesting and encouraging read in The Age recently regarding the rise across Melbourne of Resident Action Groups like CROWAG. This encourages us to believe we are on the right track to bring pressure to bear on Councils in the quest for a more equitable system in relation to increased development across the city and the negative impact this has on resident amenity and the natural landscape.




The Age, Domain 21 January 2019



The Melbourne Urban Bird Project


This is a great initiative and an important study in the quest to protect the native bird life in Whitehorse.


Please complete the survey if it appears in your letterbox!


Facebook : @MelbUrbanBird

Email :



Melbourne Urban Bird Project.jpg
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